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The Joy Is in the Journey, Not the Destination

Writer's picture: JM RyersonJM Ryerson

As I have been more exposed to the “influencers” of today’s world, and getting to meet and spend significant time around them, I have found some inconsistencies. One of the biggest ones is it’s all about where you are going. Get up, grind, compromise anything at the cost of obtaining your “dreams”. The problem with that is the quality of life once you obtain your “dream” is not what you hoped for, and no amount of money made can make up for that. Let’s be clear, I love to make money but it’s not the only thing that matters. The wealthiest people I know have been able to navigate these waters because they remembered the cardinal rule.

That rule is “the joy is in the journey, not the destination”. When I mentioned wealth above that refers to monetary, health, relationships, and spiritually. The words balance or harmony is what most often comes from their description of how they were able to achieve their dreams, enjoy the ride, and not sacrifice what they love along the way. There are compromises and it’s not all sunshine and rainbows during the journey, that is a guarantee. If you want to be whole and have wealth in all areas of life, remember these three ideas as you enjoy your journey.

Embrace the Suck

This phrase is most used in branches of the military. The meaning of this is “to consciously accept or appreciate something that is extremely unpleasant but unavoidable”. I know it must sound odd to say “joy is in the journey” and “embrace the suck” simultaneously but it’s just a mindset. Anytime that you are growing, it’s going to be uncomfortable, but this phrase can help you find joy in that discomfort. This most often happens to me as leg day at the gym approaches. If I think about all the pain I’m about to endure, it can be overwhelming and make you want to avoid the gym altogether. Instead, I tell myself what an opportunity it is to feel that pain as that means I’m alive and breathing. Adversity and pain are inevitable but learning to “embrace the suck” can help you find joy in tough times.

Tomorrow is Not Guaranteed

“Live today to the fullest, because tomorrow is not guaranteed”. That anonymous quote sums up why living in the moment is so important. How often do we take the day, our family, or our health for granted? This is the thing that I work on the most every single day. I want to be fully present in the now and appreciate every moment that I have on this earth. If I’m stuck in my head thinking about the past or the future, then how can I be fully present? That doesn’t mean to not have amazing memories of what happened or to have extraordinary dreams. It means to create great memories and an incredible future right now.

How will I be Remembered?

When I’m no longer on this earth, what will be said about me? My hope is that they say, “JM loved fully, was a courageous leader, an amazing family man, and always fun to be around”. I realize it may seem morbid to imagine what will be said about you after your death, but I don’t fear death. I want to fully live every single day and earn those words. When I hug, I want you to feel the love that I intend. I want to show courage in my actions and lead with confidence. My family is the most important thing to me and I’m grateful to be so blessed. I want to laugh and raise other’s spirits when they are around me. I will continue to write books, build businesses, and inspire people to live their best lives.

Those are great things but how I show up every day is far more important to me.

Perspective is not always easy to remember but I believe it helps keep us on the right path. Bronnie Ware wrote a book called The Top Five Regrets of the Dying – A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing. She was inspired to write the book after her time as a palliative carer. I won’t spoil the book for you but if you are ever in need of perspective on life then pick it up and find out what the top 5 regrets were of those on their last breaths. I will tell you the list didn’t include I wish I made more money, worked harder, or worried about the small things in life. That book, embrace the suck, tomorrow is not guaranteed, and how will I be remembered are constantly shaping my actions now. Enjoy the ride guys, every twist and turn of it!


If you love a good podcast, check out my podcast “Let’s Go Win”. It’s a show with lively conversations providing tips on leadership, mindset, health, and everything you’ll need for success at work, at home, and in life! I’d love your opinion and a review!

JM Ryerson founded and sold 3 businesses and is now helping leadership teams do the same. He is an Author, Leadership & Performance Coach, International Speaker, and host of the Let’s Go Win podcast who has been building companies and leading sales teams for over 20 years. JM is the co-founder and CEO of Let’s Go Win whose mission is to increase leadership, enhance culture, and help teams achieve peak performance. JM’s great passions are inspiring people to live their best lives and become open to what life has in store for them. His ultimate goal is to give others the tools that will allow them to transcend their self-limiting beliefs. JM was raised in Montana and lives in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife Lisa and their two amazing boys.

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