At some point in time, you may begin to feel like you’re not living your life to its fullest potential. You might start to question things, like “what is the point of all of this?” Great news is that you’re not alone in these ruminations, and these thoughts certainly don’t make you strange. It would be amazing for everyone to always be living their best life, but that is not reality. So how do we know we are in a rut and how do we get ourselves out of it? Here are three signs you may be in this situation, as well as some simple ways to improve your life.
You are constantly negative and complain a lot:
We have all met that person who seems to have a black cloud over their head, or who’s always surrounded by drama. Is that because they are the unluckiest person in the world, or are they creating this negative cycle? I firmly believe we can create our environment and choose to have our world be positive or negative. Does that mean it will always be rainbows and sunshine? Of course not, but I do believe negative energy feeds off negative energy and positive off positive energy. So be mindful of your thoughts as they affect your attitude, and remember your attitude affects your words and your words affect your actions. One of the easiest ways to learn how to live your best life now is to understand these principles.
You are surrounded with people who don’t bring value to your life:
This is the way the universe works in that you attract what you are bringing to the table. Misery loves company and your closest group of friends would have been negative as well. One of the hardest exercises to do is to look around at your 5 closest friends. Then realize they are a direct reflection of who you are. Are you proud of that reflection? Or is it time to make a change and find a more positive group of people who will inspire you to live your best life? This doesn’t mean you can’t keep your friends around that are negative. But it may be time for a group decision to lift one another up. I constantly ask the question: Do they lift me up or bring me down, and how am I showing up for them?
You are not taking care of your mind and body:
It is extremely difficult to eat right, sleep enough, workout, meditate and read, especially if you are questioning your inspiration and excitement about life. One of the best tips to improve your life is to understand that all of these things are connected! By simply getting that solid 6-8 hours of sleep, then you have a much better chance to want to exercise. Once the body is moving then you want to give it good fuel and eat the right things and now we are creating a positive routine that is building momentum in your life. Start with getting a solid night’s sleep and commit to moving a little bit, and the next thing you know the only time you’ll be cranky is if you didn’t get to the gym.
The small changes make all the difference and you and your loved ones deserve the very best version of you.
Take time to reflect on where you are in your life and if you want to improve it, just start by verbalizing that you want to make a change.
For other ways to improve your life for the better, check out the Let’s Go Win Podcast or some of the other self-empowerment blogs we offer!