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S.E.A. to be Vulnerable

Writer's picture: JM RyersonJM Ryerson

One of the most popular subjects that I coach on is the subject of vulnerability. Yes, I realize that sea is not grammatically correct in the title but that is the acronym we will use to work on being vulnerable. My hope is that by making it a simple reminder, people will choose to be vulnerable more often. It also felt appropriate for the term to be sea as that signifies expanse and large. The benefits of being vulnerable are huge but can be overwhelming. With that in mind, let’s simplify the process and give ourselves a true life raft.

Say How You Feel

What a freeing experience it is to say what you are feeling. We have been conditioned over time to hide our true feelings or to “sugar coat” in the interest of not hurting someone else’s feelings or to fit in. I’m not suggesting you be outlandish, and sure discretion and timing can be important, but not to the detriment of how you are feeling. One of the universal truths that I have learned is that everyone is entitled to their feelings. That doesn’t make them right or wrong but rather their feelings are theirs. We may not always agree with those feelings, but we should respect that those are their feelings to have and own.

Embrace Who You Are

The famous poet Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment”. There is only one you in this world and that makes you unique and special. We all want to be liked and accepted and the best way to do that is to show up as your authentic self. I believe each person is born with a gift and our calling is to find it and share it. Once you make the decision to love and embrace yourself than everyone else can too.

Ask For Help

Something that I have never understood is driving around a new area aimlessly and not asking for directions. That is a thing of the past (thanks navigation) but was literally a stigma that men were too proud to ask for directions. When you say it aloud, it sounds ridiculous, but I have watched it happen. The same thing happens every day for those that “don’t want to be a burden” or “no one can understand what I’m feeling”. Instead of asking for help, people will push people away or close off. Admitting you need help allows others to support and bring you closer together.

“Vulnerability is the only authentic state. Being vulnerable means being open, for wounding, but also for pleasure. Being open to the wounds of life means also being open to the bounty and beauty. Don’t mask or deny your vulnerability: it is your greatest asset. Be vulnerable: quake and shake in your boots with it. The new goodness that is coming to you in the form of people, situations, and things, can only come to you when you are vulnerable, i.e. open.” -Stephen Russell

You are not in a sea alone. Try using S.E.A. to be more vulnerable and experience the fullness that is life. I know it can be scary, but it will be fulfilling beyond measure!


If you love a good podcast, check out my podcast “Let’s Go Win”. It’s a show with lively conversations providing tips on leadership, mindset, health, and everything you’ll need for success at work, at home, and in life! I’d love your opinion and a review!

JM Ryerson founded and sold 3 businesses and is now helping leadership teams do the same. He is an Author, Leadership & Performance Coach, International Speaker, and host of the Let’s Go Win podcast who has been building companies and leading sales teams for over 20 years. JM is the co-founder and CEO of Let’s Go Win whose mission is to increase leadership, enhance culture, and help teams achieve peak performance. JM’s great passions are inspiring people to live their best lives and become open to what life has in store for them. His ultimate goal is to give others the tools that will allow them to transcend their self-limiting beliefs. JM was raised in Montana and lives in Boca Raton, Florida with his wife Lisa and their two amazing boys.

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